

We believe in the profound impact that our products can have on personal health, well-being, and the environment. Our mushroom start kits can become a relaxing hobby, and your harvest can potentially aid in a better living that is attuned to nature.


The natural world offers a bounty of health benefits, and our products are curated to bring these advantages into your daily life.


Medicinal Properties:

Many of our mushroom strains are renowned for their natural healing properties, offering relief from anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation.


Stress Relief:

Engaging with plants, whether through gardening or simply enjoying their presence, has been scientifically shown to reduce stress levels, improve mood, and enhance mental clarity.


Nutritional Value:

Our edible products are packed with essential nutrients, offering a delicious way to boost your dietary health.


Sustainable Practices:

We prioritize organic cultivation methods, biodegradable packaging, and water-conserving practices, minimizing our ecological footprint and encouraging a culture of sustainability.

Psychedelic Experiences

Ingestion may result in you experiencing a psychedelic “trip”. Your experience may have the following:


Altered perception:

Colors may appear more vivid, and shapes may seem to warp or distort.


Heightened senses:

Sounds, textures, and tastes may become more intense and vibrant.


Expanded consciousness:

Individuals may feel a sense of interconnectedness with the universe or experience a profound understanding of life.


Emotional shifts:

Emotions may fluctuate rapidly, ranging from euphoria to introspection to anxiety.


Time distortion:

The passage of time may feel distorted, with minutes stretching into hours or vice versa.


Visual hallucinations:

Seeing patterns, fractals, or geometric shapes, or experiencing vivid imagery that is not present in reality.


Spiritual or mystical experiences:

Feeling a connection to something greater than oneself, experiencing a sense of unity with all living beings, or encountering entities or beings from other realms.


Ego dissolution:

The sense of self may dissolve or become less pronounced, leading to feelings of oneness with the universe or a loss of personal identity.


Insights and revelations:

Profound realizations about oneself, one’s life, or the nature of reality may occur during the experience.



Processing and integrating the insights and experiences gained during the psychedelic journey into one’s daily life and worldview.

It’s important to note that psychedelic experiences can vary widely from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as set (mindset) and setting (environment). Additionally, while some may find these experiences profound and transformative, others may find them challenging or difficult to navigate. Safety, preparation, and proper guidance are essential aspects of responsible psychedelic use.

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